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Otoplasty (Ear)

Otoplasty is ear surgery that sets large or prominent ears closer to the head.

Children with large ears are often subjected to ridicule from other children, and even adults. This can produce psychological stress and self-consciousness. Many children carry these sensitivities with them into adulthood.

Surgical correction of oversized ears is very effective. Parents frequently ask us what age is best for correcting the ears. Since the ears achieve 80% of their growth by the time is 5 to 6 years of age, this is an appropriate time to consider correction and we often perform otoplasty at around this time. Typically, at this young age, children have not developed a degree of body awareness such that they are self-conscious about such imperfections. By performing correction at this age, many children can avoid ridicule and comments that will begin a few short years later. Since there is no age limit on the success of otoplasty, many adults also elect to have the procedure.

After initial evaluation, we typically prepare an insurance letter to receive preauthorization for the procedure. Children tolerate the surgery very well and there is very little discomfort associated with otoplasty.

See our Before & After Gallery for Otoplasty.